North Branch Farm and Gardens
This grower has a photo album.
We feed our animals Green Mountain organic grains, and as much grass and greens as possible. They are raised outside.
This year we raised meat chickens, laying hens, broad-breasted turkeys, and three varieties of ducks.
We have sold out of duck and turkey until the summer but still have some chickens available, as well as free-range eggs.
We now have frozen pork available, too. Our pigs eat Green Mountain organic grain and scraps from area bakeries and restaurants. They eat so well, sometimes we get jealous. : )
We also do landscaping, gardening, and other maintenance and tree work.
We will have vegetables available in the future.
You can contact Sebastian Miska or Kate Corrigan at 802-388-2059 or n.branchfarm @ yahoo.com .
Thank you for supporting local farmers!