Vermont OffSeason Organics
Website: vtorganicplugs.com
USDA Certified Organic
This grower has a photo album.
Vermont OffSeason Organics/Organic Plugs is a small family greenhouse business, located on Snake Mountain Road in Weybridge. Currently, we custom grow quality certified organic herb, vegetable and ornamental plugs/starts/transplants to retailers throughout New England and New York. Starting this year, in an effort to enhance the output of our greenhouse, we will be offering fresh, locally grown certified organic lettuces, salad greens and other cool weather crops during the “off season”, September to May through this website.
For those unfamiliar to the term, “plugs”, think of us as the “neonatal unit” for plant propagation. We start plants from seed in plastic trays with 50-100 “cells” filled with potting soil. As the plants reach transplant size, 3-12 inches high, their extensive root system binds the soil together into a “plug”. Transplanting into retail size containers is streamlined for our wholesale customers by simply “popping” the plug out of the tray, opening the root ball with a chopstick and replanting it in a larger container.
In light of the economy, food safety and an increased interest in eating healthy, this year we are offering a large selection of custom grown transplants to help our friends and neighbors get a jump start on their spring gardens. We welcome you to join in and reconnect with your garden. The benefits of plugs over larger retail plants or starting your own from seed are:
- Available earlier, saves 2-4 weeks to maturity; ie: tomatoes in July rather than waiting until August.
- Healthy, ready to go, with an extensive root system, the foundation of any productive plant.
- Fresh and Local: Grown locally, not transported long distances and subjected to variable care.
- Variety: Our selection of heirloom and cooler climate varieties is extensive.
- Smaller size, able to hold more plants until you want to plant them.
- Cost is less because of reduced labor and materials to transplant plants into larger containers.
So visit the online market regularly during the spring growing season and take advantage of top quality certified organic plugs at wholesale prices.
A new way to garden!
Walt & Mary Goodale and family