Doolittle Farm
Website: doolittlefarmyarn.com
USDA Certified Organic
This grower has a photo album.
Doolittle Farm is the home of Bay, John, Nick and Hilary Hammond. We are a small family farm and pride ourselves with high quality diversified products.
We have some lovely worsted weight yarn that has come back from Stoneledge Spinnery, some roving for your felting and craft needs, and some lovely soft pelts. All can be seen at the Middlebury Winter Farmers’ Market.
Maple Syrup
We are already sold out of our 2010 syrup!
We are offering 3 types of chicken this year. This year we are offereing a slower growing heritage breed ($4.50 per pound)that will thrive on our diverse pasture; a cornish heritage cross ($5.00 per pound)that is not as aggresive but will give you a wonderful flavor with more white breast meat; and we will have plenty of stew birds ($3.25 per pound)for soup and pies. We will be breeding and hatching many of our own this year!
Our layers are on Lakeview Organic Grain, supplemented with Addison County Wheat and our certified organic pastures. They are free to roam and have been enjoying the fresh sunshine, green grasses – our eggs have large dark yokes.
If you haven’t eaten lamb for awhile give it a try! It is a wonderfull meat that is easy on the digestive system and easy on the land. We raise our lamb on on our certified organic pasture and they receive no antibiotics or hormones.